The interactive children's musical play about childhood sexual abuse for adults only
returns to the Arcata Playhouse in March 2022 for a limited engagement!
FÜ Unicorn!, a new musical play written by Zuzka Sabata, with Laura Krueger, Katie Belknap, dramaturg Joy Brooke Fairfield, and accompaniest Knick Moore will be featured in the 2022 O2F festival.
Extra special thanks to Sacha Marini and Fancyland for providing a week-long residency to kickstart the re-writing and rehearsal process in early January '22. It was glorious!!!
Thanks to the trees for standing there, glorious, thanks to the composting poo buckets, so odor-free, water-saving, and glorious, thanks to Sacha, Diane, and Francis for watching our stumble-through and providing insight, gloriously.